Learners receive new books

New books for the students Learners were overjoyed to receive new grade 7 curriculum books, a big thank you to TABS for helping to arrange these books which are vital to our young people’s education.

New school year team are ready to go!

New year, new goals The new Springs and Tabs team have re started for the new academic year. Our ultimate goal this year is to use compassion and nurturing to allow every child to reach their potential.

Kev Oldfield to fly out to help the project in June

A Bridlington man who has spent almost a decade sleeping rough on the streets and has overcome poverty and homelessness himself, will be flying thousands of miles to help impoverished people in Africa this coming June. Kev Oldfield, 60 is a member of the...

Junior secondary school approval

Junior Secondary Approved for project The project has been approved to have a junior secondary effective from January 2024. This was after ministry of education officials visited the school to do quality assessment on our preparation to host a junior...

Raising the standards

Raising the standards What a great day to all learner's, teachers and parents in Kiandutu received new lockers and chairs. These will help grade 6 and class 8 candidates as they sit for their national examination next week within the project. As the school...

School repairs start for the next upcoming term

Repairs needed before the new school term underway We have received pictures from the school of the general repairs that need to be completed to the school buildings to ensure that they remain compliant with the Kenyan government. Repairs are taking place...

New van for the school

New van for the school from TABS Thanks to the generosity of TABS Kenya trustee George, the school have received a new van. The van will be used to transport teachers too and from the school and this will greatly help with staff retention as the walk on...

Jaci runs a triathalon for TABS International

 Jaci Ashton recently completed her first ever triathlon for TABS Long term Friend of TABS Jaci Ashton recently completed her first ever triathlon at Blenhiem Palace and raised a fantastic £140 for the project in Kenya. Jaci, who visited the school back in...

Students return from April break

Happy faces returning to school Here is a lovely picture of the children who returned to school after their April break.   Vegetable garden growing well The Children have been growing and harvesting vegetables and even got to take some...

Franklyn’s story

Dreams of being a doctor form a top 3 student Franklyn is an orphan and was one of our top 3 students from last academic year – he wants to become a Doctor. We struggled to secure sponsorship for him and in February 2023 when we were there, Moses was doing...

Children receive new games equipment

Action for children help out TABS International with Games equipment This week the children received games equipment from Action for children, which will help in nurturing talents through co-curricular activities. Action for children supply teacher...

Student receives full scholarship

Scholarship for child who received the highest results in 2022 examinations A student who achieved the highest results in the Kenyan certificate for primary education examinations in 2022 has secured Family bank scholarship. This student comes from a...

Examinations for Grade 6 and 8 candidates

Grade 6 and 8 candidates go for assessment We received this wonderful picture of grade 6 and 8 candidates before they started their national Examination/Assessment (KPSEA and KCPE) last week. The teaching team prepared a total of 66 children and all are...

Construction of the examination hall is well under way!

New examination hall for the learners It's mainly an Examination hall measuring 35ft by 25ft, capable of accommodating 35-45 learners with spacing of 1.5 metres during national examination (at the end of the year).   Multiple use at ICT Centre It's also...

Children recieved new sports kit and equipment

Students received new sports kit and sports equipment During the summer, Bedworth Men's walking football club generously donated some sports kit and sports equipment to the school, we are happy to report that the boxes arrived at the school and it has...

5 Children secure scholarship

5 children in the Elimu scholarship program! 5 children from our project have successfully secured Elimu scholarship program, Courtesy of Government of Kenya and World Bank. They have today all joined good boarding secondary school, accompanied by Cabinet...

Great end of school year photo

What a great photo of the school before the children break up We received this wonderful photo of the children just before they broke up for half term. 2022 being the shortest academic year requiring teaching and non-teaching staff to work extra...

The new curriculum book have arrived at the school

The education reform in Kenya requires regular provision of new learning materials The school received new grade 6 curriculum books (crucial to completing the syllabus), newly published 2021 books which were un-purchased last year and new books for all...

Exam Success March 2022

This year the Grade Eights sat their Kenyan Certificate for Primary Education We are pleased to say that despite the challenges that these young people face, they managed to preform well. with a mean score of 241.63, which is an improvement from last year...

Another amazing Soiree raises £668.80 for TABS

Piano Soirée fundraising On 18th March 2022, Trustee Richard Hare held yet another Piano soiree. The Soiree was live at Richard’sEmmanuel Church, Bridlington and broadcast live of Facebook. Richard played a number of traditional requests in exchange for...

Online Piano Soirée raises funds for the school in Kiandutu

Richard Hare and Jaden Hart help raise the funds Richard Hare and Jaden Hart held an online and in person Piano Soiree to raise funds for the school in Kiandutu. The evening featured a wonderful collection of songs requested in exchange for a donation to...

An update from the Springs of Life school

A picture of children's receiving new curriculum books with great happiness "Thank you TABS for making this happen. This will greatly help in easing transition of learner's to the next level and also improving academic performance. A total of 871 books...

Spring piano soiree raises over £1000 towards the school

Fundraising with a piano soirée Trustee Richard Hare held yet another Piano soiree in March raising an amazing amount of money for Springs of Life school in Kiandutu, Kenya. Richard was joined by special guests Jaden Hart and the very talented Damares...

News update from Moses at the school

Sports closing for a short time We wish to inform you that the school closed for 7 weeks holiday on 17th March and will resume back on 11th May. Let us all remember the above candidates who will be starting their national examination on Monday 22nd March....

Sports equipment donated to the school

Sports equipment donated to the school Friends of TABS would like to say a huge thanks to Russ Watkin and everyone at Bedworth and District Walking Football Club for donating footballs pumps and cones to us before lockdown. The much needed equipment will...

School has reopened in December!

School is now open! We were so blessed to receive this video from the children in December. We are thankful that they are back at school and we were able to support them with the funding for a new water tank and additional toilet block. We are thankful to...

Plans for the school to re-open in January

Re-opening school! For the Springs of life school to re-open as planned in January, Moses and the staff have been working hard to meet the requirements for the school to be Covid safe for the children’s return to classrooms. Funding for toilets It became...

School closed temporarily due to Covid-19

Continued learning through closure The school closed its doors to normal day to day running for most pupils however the staff have set up a forum that link pupils and teachers to ensure continued learning and eased consultation.   Teachers helping out the...

Computers generously donated to the school

Grace Academy School gives generously At the start of the year, Grace Academy School in Coventry generously donated some computers to TABS International for the school in Kiandutu. We are excited to be working with Tools with a Mission who are pat testing...

TABS Trustees AGM meeting in Bedworth : February 2020

AGM : Trustees plan Saturday was our TABS AGM where the trustees met to plan for the year ahead. It proved to be an immensely productive day with good food and great company.   Giving thanks We are thankful for Gods guidance as we work on the future plans...

Friends of TABS African evening raises £550

Big turn out for the African Meal! We are truly blessed at the amount of people who attended the African meal on Saturday evening hosted by our TABS chair Rachel Sanders and TABS trustee Ellen Sanders. It was a full house with 60 people enjoying the...

Other Schools old books donated to TABS School in Kenya

Trustees on a mission for books for TABS school Back in April, TABS Trustees Reverend Richard Hare and Kath Farmer made it their mission to collect unwanted unused books from local schools in their area to set up a school library within the school in...

Friends of TABS the potting shed have raised £210

Friends of TABS The Potting Shed have raised £210 For us by holding a Quiz and raffle. Grace and her mum Julie are part of our Warwickshire Friends of Tabs and have supported our charity for a number of years and we appreciate their support plus the food...

Equipping the school

More great news and supplies for the school These are things that have arrived at the school. The new curriculum books will be available thanks to the work of TABS Kenya.

Working towards the same goals

Employee standards code of conduct Staff at the Spring of life school signing their employee standards code of conduct, ensuring we are providing all the children with a 21st century education, adhering to Kenyan policies and allowing training opportunities for staff...

Much needed books for the school library

Trustees collect books for TABS International Trustees Rev'd Richard Hare and Kath Farmer have made it their mission to collect unwanted unused books from local schools in their area to set up a school library within the school in Kiandutu.   Special Thanks to schools...

TABS supporters Sheila and Paul Whitehead

Paul and Sheila Whitehead support TABS for over two years Meet 'Friends of TABS' Paul and Sheila Whitehead, members of Longford Baptist Church, Coventry who have been supporting TABS International for some two years now through fundraising, after visiting...

This is our new Head Teacher Alice

New beginnings for Alice Alice has been with the project from the very beginning, when it was just a small shack before TABS International was involved. She was working with a small group or orphans who also used the shack to sleep, and the community used...